Patients commonly complain of looking tired and are bothered by their smile lines and the appearance of lower eyelid puffiness, bags, lines and black circles. Some of these features are related to normal aging, but in some people, they start appearing at a young age. Therefore, it is not uncommon for relatively young patients to undergo eyelid procedures to correct certain undesired features. Dr. Alghoul follow a comprehensive periorbital rejuvenation approach, where the entire area around the eye is evaluated and addressed to improve the appearance of the eye. Some of the eye rejuvenation procedures Dr. Alghoul offers include:


During consultation, Dr. Alghoul will perform a comprehensive evaluation of your eyes and will explain in detail the cause of the aging or tired look. A treatment plan will be designed to specifically meet your needs and help restore a youthful, natural and fresh look, taking into consideration all the structures around the eye. Based on the evaluation, a surgical correction such as a brow lift or upper or lower blepharoplasty may be recommended.

a closeup photo of a smiling woman


What is the age range of patients undergoing eyelid procedures?

There is no ideal age group. Both younger and older patients may be good candidates for an eyelid procedure. There are certain eyelid features that can appear at a younger age, such as lower lid puffiness and undereye dark circles, so it is not uncommon for a young patient to be interested in or undergo a cosmetic eyelid procedure. Any undesired eye features however tend to worsen and get more pronounced with age.

Who is a candidate for surgery?

Healthy individuals who have excess skin and fat in the upper and/or lower eyelid, or hallowing of the upper and/or lower eyelid could be good candidates for surgical correction.

What causes a tired look?

A tired look is a common complaint and is usually caused by the appearance of depressed and dark areas under the eye. The presence of lower eyelid puffiness and fat bags also contribute to the “tired look” appearance. The presence of excess upper lid skin usually causes a “sleepy” and sometimes a “sad” look.

Does a lower eyelid lift, known as “blepharoplasty”, change the eye shape?

Lower lid blepharoplasty should not change the eye shape unless the lower eyelid is very lax and the eye shape is distorted to start with, then procedure should improve the eye shape. However, immediately after the procedure, the lower eyelid will feel tighter than normal and it is made so intentionally to support the lid during the healing phase and to prevent scar tissue from pulling the lid down. This tightness relaxes over one to two months after surgery.

How long do the results from an eyelid lift last?

Results after an eyelid lift are long lasting and it is unusual for patients to need another eyelid lift again. For the upper eyelid, however, skin excess may develop again, and another skin trimming may be needed in the future taking into consideration brow position.

Are there any complications associated with this procedure?

Any surgical procedure has the potential for complications. However, choosing a board -certified plastic surgeon with specialized training will help optimize your results while minimizing complications. Generally speaking, eyelid surgery could be complicated by asymmetry and scarring. The use of specialized technique maximizes safety of the procedure. The main two complications that can occur after lower blepharoplasty are chemosis and lower lid malposition. Those are medical terms. Chemosis is the formation of a fluid blister on the white of the eyeball due to dryness, congestion, and inflammation. It is self-limiting and improve on its own with proper care. Lower lid malposition indicates that the lower lid is not in a normal position and has either descended or changed in shape due to laxity and scarring.
a smiling young woman


Recovery depends on the type and extent of surgery performed. For upper blepharoplasty, bruising occurs immediately after the procedure and worsens over the next 24 to 48 hours. This is why cold compresses or compression goggles are recommended during that postoperative period. It is not uncommon for bruising to extend to the lower eyelid even if lower eyelid surgery was not performed at the same time. Bruising usually resolves by the end of the first week. Swelling also occurs immediately after surgery; it becomes more pronounced over the first few days and takes approximately two weeks to resolve. For lower eyelid surgery, swelling may take slightly longer to resolve mainly in the area of the eyelid close to the lash line where the incision is usually made. Pain is typically mild to moderate postoperatively and resolves after the first week. It is advisable to take a week off of work after eyelid surgery to recover. You will be able to resume casual social activities by the second week and you can use light make up two weeks after surgery. If you exercise regularly, it is advisable to abstain from activities that increase the blood flow to the head and face to prevent worsening of the swelling. As a general rule, you can resume half of your exercise program at two weeks and go back to full exercise and activity levels 4 weeks after surgery.


There are three fees associated with any procedure: surgeon’s fee, anesthesia and facility fee. The cost of the procedure depends on the type of eyelid surgery performed. Upper   blepharoplasty alone or in combination with correction of droopy eyelid can be performed as an office procedure under light sedation and local anesthesia at a reduced cost. Lower blepharoplasty and brow lift are usually performed in the operating room under deeper sedation or general anesthesia, which add to the cost of the procedure.

Contact Dr. Alghoul

If you’d like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Alghoul to discuss the eye rejuvenation procedures that he offers, please call.